class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Meet the Toolkit ### Prof. Maria Tackett --- ## Topics - Reproducible data analysis - R and RStudio - R Markdown - Git and GitHub --- class: center, middle ## Reproducible data analysis --- ## Reproducibility checklist -- .vocab[Near-term goals] ✔️ Are the tables and figures reproducible from the code and data? ✔️ Does the code actually do what you think it does? ✔️ In addition to what was done, is it clear **why** it was done? -- .vocab[Long-term goals] ✔️ Can the code be used for other data? ✔️ Can you extend the code to do other things? --- ## Toolkit <img src="img/02/toolkit.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - **Scriptability** `\(\rightarrow\)` R - **Literate programming** (code, narrative, output in one place) `\(\rightarrow\)` R Markdown - **Version control** `\(\rightarrow\)` Git / GitHub --- class: center, middle # R and RStudio --- ## What is R and RStudio? - R is a statistical programming language - RStudio is a convenient interface for R (an integrated development environment, IDE) .pull-left[ - At its simplest:<sup>*</sup> - R is like a car’s engine - RStudio is like a car’s dashboard ] .pull-right[ <img src="img/02/engine-dashboard.png" width="1752" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .footnote[ *Source: [Modern Dive]( ] --- ## R essentials (a short list) - **Functions** are (most often) verbs, followed by what they will be applied to in parentheses: ```r do_this(to_this) do_that(to_this, to_that, with_those) ``` -- - **Columns** (variables) in data frames are accessed with `$`: ```r dataframe$var_name ``` -- - **Packages** are installed with the `install.packages` function and loaded with the `library` function, once per session: ```r install.packages("package_name") library(package_name) ``` --- ## tidyverse .pull-left[ <img src="img/02/tidyverse-packages.png" width="2560" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - The [tidyverse]( is an **opinionated** collection of R packages designed for data science. <br> - All packages share an underlying philosophy and a common grammar. ] .footnote[ Image from [Teaching in the Tidyverse 2020]( ] --- class: center, middle # R Markdown --- ## R Markdown - Fully reproducible reports -- the analysis is run from the beginning each time you knit - Simple [Markdown syntax]( for text - Code goes in chunks, defined by three backticks, narrative goes outside of chunks --- ## How will we use R Markdown? - Every assignment / lab / project / etc. is an R Markdown document - You'll always have a template R Markdown document to start with - The amount of scaffolding in the template will decrease over the semester --- ## R Markdown tips **Resources** - [R Markdown cheat sheet]( - Markdown Quick Reference: - `Help -> Markdown Quick Reference` <br><br> -- **Remember**: The workspace of the R Markdown document is <u>separate</u> from the console --- class: center, middle # Git and GitHub --- ## Version control - We introduced GitHub as a platform for collaboration - But it's much more than that... - It's actually designed for version control --- ## What is versioning? <br><br> <img src="img/02/lego-steps.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## What is versioning? with human readable messages <img src="img/02/lego-steps-commit-messages.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Why do we need version control? <img src="img/02/phd_comics_vc.gif" width="30%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <br> <img src="img/02/git-github.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- - **Git** is a version control system -- like “Track Changes” features from Microsoft Word. -- - **GitHub** is the home for your Git-based projects on the internet (like DropBox but much better). -- - There are a lot of Git commands and very few people know them all. 99% of the time you will use git to add, commit, push, and pull. --- ## Git and GitHub tips - We will be doing git things and interfacing with GitHub through RStudio - If you Google for help, skip any methods for using git through the command line. -- - There is a great resource for working with git and R: []( - Some of the content in there is beyond the scope of this course, but it's a good place to look for help. --- ## Recap Can you answer these questions? - What is a reproducible data analysis, and why is it important? - What is version control, and why is it important? - What is R vs. RStudio? - What is git vs. GitHub?