
Tea with a TA!

Hang out with the TAs from STA 210! This is a casual conversation and a fun opportunity to meet the members of the STA 210 teaching team. The only rule is these can’t turn into office hours!

Tea with a TA counts as a statistics experience.

Submit your questions about statistics and the US election

What questions do you have about statistics and the US election? Click here to submit your questions by Friday, Oct 30. We will discuss some of the questions during the Nov 2 live lecture.

And…if you’re eligible, VOTE!

Other events

  • Big data and public policy event TODAY 8-9 PM (Zoom info in Sakai)
  • Datathon Oct 31 - Nov 1

Stats in Spring 2021

Project draft - due Oct 28

  • Write the draft in the written-report.Rmd file in the project repo.
  • Draft should include
    • exploratory data analysis
    • initial model selection (main effects + interactions)
    • initial interpretations / conclusions from model

Sesame Street

Today’s data comes from an experiment by the Educational Testing Service to test the effectiveness of the children’s program Sesame Street. Sesame Street is an educational program designed to teach young children basic educational skills such as counting and the alphabet

As part of the experiment, children were assigned to one of two groups: those who were encouraged to watch the program and those who were not.

The show is only effective if children watch it, so we want to understand what effect the encouragement had on the frequency children watched the program.



Exploratory data analysis

  1. Create a plot to visualize the relationship between the response and viewenc, the primary variable of interest in this analysis. What do you observe from the plot?

  2. Create a plot to visualize the relationship between the response and a quantitative predictor variable. What do you observe from the plot?

Model selection

  1. Fit a model with all predictors except the primary variable of interest, viewenc.

  2. Conduct backward model selection using the step function and AIC as the model selection criterion. Display the chosen model.

Interpretation + conclusions

  1. Interpret the intercept associated with the odds of a child being in the category viewcat == 2 versus viewcat == 1.

  2. Interpret the coefficient of one numeric predictor in terms of the odds of a child being in the category viewcat == 2 versus viewcat == 1. Based on the confidence interval for the coefficient, is the numeric predictor a statistically significant predictor of viewership?

  3. The primary objective of the experiment was to understand the effect of encouragement viewenc on viewership. Does encouragement have a significant effect on viewership after adjusting for other possible factors? If so, describe the effect. Otherwise, explain why not.